Richard Reynolds M.Div.,M.Ed.,Ed.S.

Richard Reynolds M.Div.,M.Ed.,Ed.S.
...making a difference one life at a time...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Education and Leadership is about looking through everything and seeing reality

Watching the pep rally known as this week's political convention one can not help but have flashbacks when hearing about the remarkable job that Bill Clinton did with his speech. His delivery and content has been given rave reviews from all avenues of the media and from politicians far and wide. It is being liken to some of the great speeches of all times such as ones given by Lincoln, JFK , Churchill and others. Historians and politicians along with the media are astonished with the job he did changing from one who over the past few weeks and months had said harsh things about Obama and his credentials for being the next President to one in his speech that threw his entire support behind Obama with seemingly no reservations at all. Before we accept everything in his speech "hook, line and sinker" we need to have a flash back remembering:

  • This is the same man who gave us the famous line, " depends on your definition of the word is...".

  • This is the same man who said, "...I did not have sex with..."

  • This is the same man who allowed terrorism to begin in our country that would result later in 9/11 ...yet he was given the topic of National Security...

Before you are over come with hysteria from the emotion of the overflow from Bill's speech flashback and have a reality check. Neither party has a corner as to being right on all of the issues. We must wade through the emotion and rhetoric of Bill, Hillary and Obama to find out the real facts or as Bill once said what "is".

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